
Indelligent v.1.2

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© 2008 Dmitry Dmitriev & Roman Rakitov


IUPAC codes

R = A or G
Y = C or T
K = G or T
M = A or C
S = C or G
W = A or T

B = not A
D = not C
H = not G
V = not T

N = any

The program reconstructs allelic sequences based on the pattern of calls within an individual convoluted DNA trace produced by direct sequencing of a diploid template containing heterozygous insertions/deletions.

Enter sequence to be analyzed in the window (click on the example: TKGKKSCMW) and press "Submit". Input options.

Not for use in diagnostic procedures.



Max phase shift size, bp.: Info

Shift change penalty: Info

Fix shift(s), bp.: Info

Output view options

Align alleles: Info

Align floating indels:
Left Right Info

Display "long" indels: Info

Simulate indels Info


Number of users: 1943.

Fragments analyzed: 41275 (15861524 bp).